Salisbury Post, November 25, 2008

Bobby Mault Plans Fundraiser for Military Museum

CHINA GROVE — The unassuming brick building beside the old Patterson School has a simple sign on it, in red lettering: Miliary museum.  "Walk into my dream," Bobby Mault says.  If you've spent any time at Mault's Texaco in the last decade or so, you know Mault has a collection of military uniforms and other memorabilia that belongs in a museum. Now, finally, he has it.
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Technology Solutions Company, Shared Resources, Donates Website Upgrade

July 4, 2010 USAF Veteran James Sanders and his Cornelius, NC based technology solutions company, Shared Resources of NC, LLC, donates this website upgrade in support of the growth and marketing of the Price of Freedom Museum.

"I am proud to volunteer my resources to support such a worthy cause." says James. "This museum displays many uniforms and items I once stored in the attic, far away from anyone's chances to enjoy.  In return for the honor of a public celebration of my family's military service, I wanted to help grow the museum's visibility. This website is my way of supporting everyone's better understanding of the Price of Freedom."

"It was a good idea, definitely because it does show respect to people who have served in the military. It's especially good for young people. I was impressed with it. Bobby's done a good job with it."
Jerry Karriker

“I am proud to display my family’s uniforms in The Price of Freedom Museum. It is an honor for me, my sister, and my brother to be recognized for our military duty by being included in a collection that serves to remind all of the sacrifice our country pays to be free.”
James C. Sanders, SSgt, USAF, 1990-1998